Assessing Mental Health in Schools

Educators are often the first to notice mental health problems in students and therefore need to be aware of symptoms and warning signs as well as ways to support individuals, classrooms and schools.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2019

Videos About Assessing Mental Health in Schools

Designer of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study explains why making decisions for individuals based on their ACE score is a misapplication of the study findings. Closed Captioned 22:49 minutes.  
Outlines why mental health screening at school is important and demonstrates how schools in Cedar Rapids, IA are conducting this work.  Closed Captioned, 2:04 minutes.  
Why measuring child mental wellbeing is important for schools and outlines different ways to measure.  Closed Captioned, 32:20 minutes.  

11 student behaviors educators can observe that may be a warning sign of mental health issues.  (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2019)  

3 Tiers of mental health supports can be mapped and resources devised using School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation (SHAPE).  (National Center for School Mental Health, 2019)  

42%of schools in the Midwest provide diagnostic mental health assessments.  (Indiana Youth Institute, 2020)

More Information About Assessing Mental Health in Schools

National Center for School Mental Health
University of Maryland’s technical assistance, research and training center.

Mental Health Assessment Tools
List of assessments (categorized by the type of mental health issue that they assess) that can be used in educational settings complied by Indiana School Mental Health Initiative.

Sage Thrive Today: Partners in School Based Mental Wellness
Website of a mental health organization that includes this guide to conducting a mental health needs assessment. 

School Mental Health Toolkit
Mental Health Colorado provide a kit that starts with assessing what is in place in order to identify, prioritize and fund school based mental health services.

The Shape System
Free interactive took to improve accountability, excellence and sustainability in school mental health at the school, district and state level.